…a house is not a home until you love where you live…

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

(Above image/project in Collaboration with Kim Raymond Architects)

You’ve just spent a luxurious week seaside, marveling at the serene landscapes both inside and out. Everywhere you turn, there’s a view or an object or a seating arrangement that coaxes “Come. Sit. Stay awhile.” And then someone hands you a glass of champagne, and it’s pretty much over.

“Why can’t we live like this all the time?” You ask your partner, with a contented sigh.

Well, we’re here to assure you that you can live like this. All the time.

You see, stunning views aren’t just found at a resort, and the same goes for inviting room configurations and furnishings that take your breath away. It’s all within reach in your own homes, as it should be. Because at Debowsky Design Group, we believe that coming home should be better than any five-star welcome in the world. We believe you shouldn’t have to leave home to feel relaxed and inspired. It’s all right here. Or, it can be.

Here are our five picks for the best home resolutions to achieve in 2017:

  • I want my home to feel like a breath of fresh air.

    It’s all about choosing colors that calm your heart rate, but it doesn’t stop there. We’ve got both grand-scale and immediate solutions to beautify the geography of your rooms, from altering views to opening creative spaces and rethinking flow.

  • I want to entertain my family and friends more often.

    Real life is so much more fast-paced than vacation time, isn’t it? When we can find the time to arrange a get-together, the very thought of finding room for everyone we enjoy often turns into a daunting endeavor. The result? Reservations at your favorite tapas joint.

Our goal is to create spaces that help you slow down and savor moments. Your dreams should match your décor, painlessly. And no matter the square footage of your property, we want to ensure you’ve got ample room to entertain – without moving tables and chairs to storage, or losing your sanity in the process. You and yours should feel at home…at home.

  • I want a more luxurious life, without leaving my house.

    There’s a reason we like vacations. In real life, there’s no one appearing to serve us dinner or cleaning up after us, no one popping in with fresh lilies, and no one turning down our luxurious sheets before bed. And all too often, there’s too much clutter interrupting our views.

Our clients ask us all the time, “Can you make being at home a little more like staying at a resort? A little easier?” Yes. Our favorite ways to reconstruct your space are by editing, organizing, arranging, and upgrading. Filling your home with things that raise your energy levels is key, as is editing your collections that drain you. We can streamline your at-home style while making it even more efficient. You’re going to want a staycation when we’re finished!

  • In 2017, I want the kitchen of my dreams. And maybe even a spa master bath.

    Some of our clients are afraid their design dreams will quickly turn into nightmares. Budget woes, the fear of making the wrong decisions, and concern over chaos during the renovation are just a few of the worries we remove. Rest assured: we have ways to make this stuff enjoyable. Because it’s worth it. You’ll see.

  • I want to reduce my carbon footprint…and my bills.

    Massive improvements have been made in every home appliance and furnishing you can imagine. They’re environmentally healthy, sustainable, cost-effective on all fronts, and as green as you need them to be. Breathe easier at home – even when the utilities bill arrives.

So get inspired to change the way you’re living in 2017. We sure are. At Debowsky Design Group, we’re waiting with big plans and enthusiasm for yours. Let’s inspire each other.




Or contact us at the information provided below.

Debowsky Design Group
4384 SW 13th Street
Miami, Florida 33134

Phone: 305.495.2751
Email: stuart@debowsky.com

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