(It’s also the key to your stunning new home!) 
At Debowsky Design Group, we know that the foundation to attaining your perfect life always begins at home.
From an invitingly fresh color scheme to an array of smart, almost invisible tech – not to mention all the streamlined organizational concepts that make it simple for everyone to keep the house sorted as it should be – your dream home is the perfect balance of all the moving parts in your life.
A well-designed space is the launching pad for a well-lived day, whether it’s a Wednesday night book club or a three-soccer-tournament Saturday morning, or even a stress-free Sunday night prepping for the week to come.
Yes, we design spaces that work and play hard. No, it isn’t easy. And yes, it’s totally possible for you to unlock the home – and lifestyle – of your dreams. We have the key.
But before we meet, we’d like you to consider a few concepts to get your creative juices flowing.
- Press pause on HGTV. Unless you’re seeking a home design that’s totally trendy and probably way over budget, that is. At Debowsky Design Group, while we can’t promise that your kitchen remodel be finished in less than an hour, not including commercial breaks, we work hard to keep your project on schedule according to our carefully prepared plans and timelines. Transparency is key for us – we lay our hearts on the table, right along with yours.
- Your Life, Your Space: Your completed design may not reflect a particular designer’s very specific, very consistent taste (a la Joanna Gaines or Nate Berkus). Instead of channeling popular designers and trends of the moment, we dive a little deeper to discover what you dream about in terms of décor or organization or family goals. We like to figure out what makes your heart race faster. Not ours.
- Pinterest is your friend. Want to see how a certain gray looks in a family room? What about a shade or two lighter? And that innovative couch system you’ve been wondering about but just haven’t made it to the store yet – you so wish you could see it in a similar setting as your living area. Wouldn’t that be nice? Go to Pinterest, where every idea that’s ever been imagined has been executed, and usually perfectly. Pin anything that inspires you: textiles, countertop materials, wall colors, and even artwork. We once designed an entire bedroom around a pair of emerald earrings.
- Keep a Big Picture Goal at Hand. While Pinterest can be a ton of fun and a great place to lose yourself, it’s always good to take a step back and keep fresh in your mind your big picture goals for your space. Remember that perfect balance we talked about earlier? Keep those big goals in mind – and shape your plans around that. Details can be dizzying so it’s always important to back up and look at it afresh from a different perspective.
The next step is simple: Come talk with us. Let us look over your inspirations, help you map out your plan, and talk in-depth about how you and your family are dreaming of living. Our goal is to make you and your life as absolutely perfect as it absolutely should be. It’s entirely possible.
Or contact us at the information provided below.