…a house is not a home until you love where you live…

Should you hire an owner’s representative for your home renovation

When dealing with a home renovation project, there’s going to be a lot of people coming in and out of your home (and life). One of these people may be a owner’s representative. If you’re not sure what that entails, keep reading. We break down what a owner’s representative is, what they do, and how they can help you in the home renovation process.

What’s a homeowner’s representative?

When a homeowner begins their renovation process, they have the option of hiring a homeowner’s representative to oversee the process (you’re not alone if you didn’t know this is an option). But what do they do exactly? In simple terms, a homeowner’s representative is an industry professional that serves as a liaison for you, the homeowner, so that your interests are adhered to during the renovation. 

Their general tasks may include things like contacting and coordinating contractors on your behalf, assisting with contract negotiations, approving payments and ensuring that the project comes in on time and on budget. Overall the scope of services can look like:

  • Budget and schedule management
  • Maintaining lines of communication
  • Contract enforcement
  • Managing requests and bids
  • Selection of team members
  • Ensuring the builder adheres the the designs you approved
Benefits of hiring a home representative

Time and money savings

As a homeowner, you may have little to no experience overseeing a home renovation project. Hiring a homeowner’s representative can make use of their industry knowledge to save you on time, allowing you to focus on other things like your job, family or other concerns. They can also save you money by keeping everything on budget.

Strong communication

A homeowner’s representative can provide a streamlined point of contact between you and all relevant parties. These can include city representatives, contractors, architects, engineers, vendors, etc. The homeowner’s representative can simplify this process for you, ensuring that you stay updated on only essential information.

Expert knowledge

A quality homeowner’s representative should come with industry experience. This will allow them to not only act as your liaison but they can translate technical or specific problems, manage conflicts, and assist in decision-making processes.

How to find a homeowner’s representative?

As a homeowner, you can be your own homeowner’s representative or select from a firm to act as your representative. In the event of a third party selection, it’s important to ensure that they’re independent and objective. You’ll want someone who can advocate for you, the homeowner, and not just their friends.

Cost-wise, a homeowner’s representative’s can be paid in three ways: a lump sum, by the hour or as a percentage of the total project cost. A lump sum is typically very straightforward, while the hourly rate is suggested for homeowners with more experience in renovation projects. They can also be paid a percentage of the total project cost, though this is suggested when the total project cost is already known.

How to start your next renovation project

At Debowsky Design Group, we’ve seen and overseen countless projects. If you’re in the initial stages of development or just thinking about what to do next, our team of experts is ready to help you get to the next level. Contact us today to see how we can make your next project your new favorite thing.